22 December 2005

Driving and Dickens

Well, despite the last post we DID get the new kitchen fitted. I'll try and post some pics soon - aren't you people lucky!

Sara had a 'refresher' driving lesson last week. (She hasn't driven a car for about 10 years). To her amazement, she didn't crash! She has another lesson in the new year, but it'lll be a little while yet before she's bombing down the M1...

Holiday news - we've booked a ski-ing holiday for next year which is cool (in fact very cool in the Alps) and a little daunting for Dave who's never been ski-ing before. He's looking forward to the apres-ski though.

Finally, seeing as this blog comes from the chilly streets of Camberwell, a few choice words from London's greatest writer, Dickens:

"It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that truly be said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, every one!"

1 comment:

Diana Langdon said...

Hi Dave and Sara!
Good to see you're doing well! I stumbled upon your blog and really enjoyed reading it :o)
I am having a fantastic time in Wellington, NZ, and am loving the hot christmas! (is very odd!)
All the best for 2006
Lots of love