23 November 2008

The View from the Hill

There really is a hill in Forest Hill. Here's a piccie I took today of the view of north London. The white semi-circle on the horizon is the Wembley Stadium Arch - 12 miles away!

And this is the Crystal Palace transmitter which is about 2 miles away. It was very sunny after a long period of rain - the wet tarmac almost make the spicture seem black and white.

By contrast, here is the transmitter mast as seen from our local park, Mayow Park (on a nice sunny day!).

Make an appointment to see The Doctor

If you have any interest in Doctor Who then you really should visit the Dr Who exhibition at Earl's Court. They have a fanstastic collection of props, costumes and monsters from the new series. We went along with Gareth and Jo and their two sons befopre they - sadly - emigrate to Oz!

So, this is of course the Tardis:

Owen met the Face of Boe:

And Dave had a close encounter with a Weeping Angel!

And we said a quick hello to the Dalek creator himself, Davros:

Walking in Joyden's Woods

We took Owen for a walk in Joyden's Woods, Kent in his backpack. The wood is officially ancient woodland and is at least 400 years old.

We started off with Owen wide awake:

But by the end the walk had obviously been too exhausting for him!