A busy summer
Been a bit slack on the blogging front recently, we have been busy, honest!
- Our big summer project is we're in the middle of moving home. We've found a buyer for our flat and have found a home we like in Forest Hill ( a few miles from where we live now, but still in south east London). So far things are going well, but we'll post more details when things become more definite, you know how these things can turn out...
- Dave has now finished the first year of his MSc Human Resources degree, his last exam of the year was at the beginning of June. He's waiting for the results to arrive, but in the meantime enjoying having free time again!
- Sara managed to obtain a discount voucher to the new Skylon restauarant at the Royal Festival Hall on the South Bank so went along with some friends. It's very swanky and stylish! How did we get in?
- Our cats Poppy and Tilly are doing very well and are quite used to us now! They're very active and love running around the flat which is usually OK except when they do it at two in the morning. Here's a recent piccie of them in/on their 'tower' (a sort of bunk bed for cats):

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