10 February 2007

Comics are a boy's best friend

This is a picture of a pile of old 2000AD comics I found in my mum's attic over Christmas. I bought them all in the mid-80s and there's about three year's worth there!

You often hear a lot about the problems of getting boys to read and their subsequent poor literacy standards. Personally, I loved reading as a kid and comics played a big part in helping me learn to read as I absolutely devoured them. I remember reading the Star Wars comics in the late 70's and trying to understand the words in the speech balloons (which will be a big shock to my mum who always thought I only looked at the pictures!). I think it's a shame when kids are discouraged from reading comics, especially boys.

In case you were wondering, yes, I've just re-read all those 2000ADs and they were great! Now what do I do them? Anyone out there fancy taking them off my hands?!

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