9 August 2006

The garden could do with a tidy...

Sorry for the light bloggage recently. 'Tales' is on its' own summer holiday at the moment ;-)

We were helping out last week with our church's social/community action project 'God Loves Peckham'. We got stuck into a neglected community centre in North Peckham, the Bradfield Club, mainly painting and general decoration. Around the back of the centre it has it's own garden but as the piccie above shows nobody has looked after it for some time! Fortunately the jungle of weeds, bushes and triffids has now been hacked away. By the way, none of this is a criticism of the Club's fabulous caretaker, Tigah, the first rastafarian caretaker we've met! He really looked after us and was so pleased to see the Club looking good again.

There's some more photos of what we and our team were doing at the Bradfield Club on our Flickr page, plus some other new pics of things we've been up to.

You can read more about what the project was doing across Peckam on our vicar's blog.

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